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Mindfulness, Tips, Tools, and Activities
Mindfulness made easy and fun. Using the awareness of the present moment and the power our breath, thoughts, stories, and love to empower children, families and communities. 
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Emotions are “energy in motion” they are not lasting or permanent.


They move they change - mindfulness tools like a calming jar can help show that even shaken emotions will change and settle down.

What is Mindfulness?


The practice of mindfulness is about observing your thoughts for exactly what they are thoughts. When you practice being mindful you begin to realize your thoughts do not define you or control you- they are simply thoughts. Once you can observe your thoughts from a detached manner you can let go of stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is kind awareness of the present moment without judgment. Focusing on the present, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.


Benefits of Mindfulness for Children


Children experience more awareness of their body, thoughts and emotions

Children are better able to stay more focused

Children can experience less stress and anxiety

Mindfulness can improve impulse control and interpersonal skills

Executive function can increase

Can Improve memory

Can Help Make better decisions

Can Help creativity

Can Improve resilience and confidence



Mindfulness training has shown it can lead to structural changes in the brain that develop and enhance the qualities of:

Compassion, Kindness and Patience



Ways to easily fit mindfulness into a daily schedule:


Express gratitude

Enjoy a cup of juice or a favorite drink

Deep breathing


Listen to music

Talk a walk and notice your surroundings

Put down the phone or walk away from the computer

Close your eyes and visualize

Fun activities to promote mindfulness


Playing games like Simon Says

Take a nature walk

Mindful Eating

Gratitude Journal




Tips , Tools and Activities

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Deep Belly Breathing to Focus and Calm Your Mind and Body  


Take deep belly breaths, filling your belly with air so it rises like a big  balloon. 

Hold your breath. Slowly breathe out through your mouth like you are blowing out candles.


  1. Breathe in for a count of 4. 

  2. Hold for a count of 4.

  3. Slowly and completely, breathe out of your mouth to the count of 4.

  4. Hold for a count of 2.

  5. Repeat 3 times. Breathe in to a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, slowly breathe out to a count of 4. 

For extra calm breathe out to the count of 6! Slower exhales calm our bodies.

Practice Your Breathing

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Here’s a fun exercise to find out if your breathing correctly.


Lie down and put a stuffed animal on your belly.


As you breathe in and your belly expands and rises, the stuffed animal will also rise.


When you slowly breathe out, your stuffed animal will slowly go back down!


1.Lie down on your back and place a stuffed animal on your belly.


2.Inhale through your nose for three seconds, focusing on how the stuffed animal rises as you breathe in.


3.Exhale for four seconds, this time focusing on how the stuffed animal falls as you breathe out. 


4.Repeat for at least another few minutes. You can increase how long you practice over time. 

Calming Jar


Emotions are “energy in motion” they are not lasting or permanent.


Mindfulness tools can help show that even shaken emotions will change and settle down.

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Kids  Love Meditation Video

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Breath for Heart Brain Coherence

• Sit up straight, relax the shoulders and belly, and exhale. Think of something that makes you feel love.


• Inhale softly for 5 seconds, expanding the belly  as air fills the bottom of your lungs.


• Without pausing, exhale softly for 5 seconds, bringing the belly in as the lungs empty.


• Each breath should feel like a circle. Repeat

Ways to Find Your

Power in the Present Moment







OBSERVE what is going on inside of you and around you.


PROCEED with calm clarity intent.



Recognize what is happening.


Allow and accept what is happening.


Investigate with interest what is happening.


Non Identify do not take what is happening personally. Nurture yourself.



For more activities and coloring pages and instructions on how to make calming jars or gratitude jars click below!

Gratitude Jar


Finding Gratitude in the Smallest of Things Can Help - Science Says So!



Studies show that, over time, feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health.  By consistently tracking what you are thankful for and acting on those feelings of appreciation you can actually boost your immune system!! 


A great way to focus on what you are grateful for is by making gratitude jar or journal!




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